First Step

First Step: Motherhood Coaching & Community

At First Step: Motherhood Coaching & Community we understand that the journey of motherhood is a transformative and deeply personal experience. While it’s filled with joy and love, it can also be accompanied by significant challenges along the way.

Have you been questioning your identity on your motherhood journey ?

There is an unspoken expectation on us to live up to the role of being a mum who has it all together, often meaning putting everyone else before you. 
It can be easy to lose sight of who you are and what you want amidst all the noise.

Have you felt frustrated at the lack of support when you need it most?

  We can all experience the feeling of support falling away at different stages of motherhood. A community of mums who know what you're going through will provide you with support, recognition and safety when you need it most.

Have you been neglecting yourself and want to rediscover who you are?

We are here to provide you with a new set of tools to help you look after yourself when all your resources go into being a mum.
You will be reminded how to love & support yourself by giving yourself the gift of time to focus on your own wellness.

 We are here to build a supportive community and assure you that you’re not alone. Through our group workshops and 1-1 coaching sessions you will be provided with tools and be empowered within the safety of a supportive network of like-minded mums to help you regain your sense of self and identity.

Join our Upcoming Workshops

Coming in July 2024

Reclaiming your
sense of Identity

Exercises, tools & lasting techniques to help mothers reclaim and understand their sense of identity. Navigate the challenges and embrace the changes as you rediscover your sense of self.

Join us at the stunning
the stunning beach-front property
Edgewater, N. Edinburgh
10am - 2pm
Lunch & refreshments inc.

Coming in August 2024


Dealing with career challenges like: returning to work, changing careers, becoming a stay at home mum & starting a new business. We delve into the best ways to manage these changes, set goals and create plans to help you reach your dream vocation.

Lunch & refreshments inc.

Coming in Sept 2024

Developing tools for dealing with stress

Tools and support for dealing with stress in your motherhood journey, explore ways to set boundaries and ask for help, develop strategies to prioritise your own well-being

Lunch & refreshments inc.

Looking for more details?

If you want more details before you sign up to our workshops simply complete our brief contact form, and we’ll call you at a time that suits you. 

We’ll talk you through any questions you have, discuss details about our workshops, coaching and community.

We know life is hectic with little people so we will work around a time that works best for you for a call.

We’re so excited to welcome you into our growing community!

About us

Sukhi and Felicity

We are Sukhi and Felicity, executive coaches, and we met on an antenatal course in Edinburgh.

We quickly became lifelong friends and supported each other through the birth of our boys and their first years.

We feel incredibly lucky to have met each other and want to create a supportive community of new mothers to be able to access coaching and support whilst finding the same lasting bonds for themselves.

What you can expect

Group workshops

We host group workshops providing a strength of community among mothers.

You can expect a fun, relaxed few hours in a beautiful setting in Edinburgh, with lunch and refreshments. A luxurious child-free space to focus on you, to feel re-invigorated, and to meet a handful of women going through the same experiences as you!

We facilitate exercises and discussions to guide you through the topics covered in each session. Every member will have an in-depth discovery call with us before the session to help us understand where you are on your journey.

Group coaching allows us to benefit from shared experiences, differing perspectives, and group support while you receive continued guidance and feedback from your coach.

Workshops are tailored to topics such as:

1 to 1 Coaching Sessions

Our collective experience as coaches provides one-to-one support, helping mothers overcome milestones, deal with emotional challenges, rediscover their passions, and set personal goals. We tailor our coaching sessions to address each mother’s unique journey and provide you with the tools that work best for you.

Sessions are online or in-person. Contact us for further details about our 1 – 1 sessions.

Meet the Team

Sukhi Littlejohn

Hi, I’m Sukhi! With over 15 years experience in the legal sector as a qualified Solicitor, I re-trained in NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) and set up my own Coaching business to utilise my passion of helping people create meaningful change.

I use NLP tools and my years of coaching experience to guide individuals through their personal development – specialising in a range of issues from anxiety to confidence to career coaching. I use these techniques in the training programmes I have created for charitable and corporate organisations, and whilst working in a leading Learning & Development company to help individuals reach their professional goals. And I am excited to help you reach your goals on your motherhood journey too!

Felicity Thomas

Hi I’m Felicity and I have been coaching professionals for 15 years in the NHS, local government, non-profit, and currently in my role as Head of Talent and Leadership Development at the Financial Times.

Having worked in learning and talent development throughout my career, I have coached individuals and facilitated teams to be at their best and achieve their goals. I believe anyone should have access to a coach to support their careers and, having gone through it, I firmly believe this is true for motherhood too! My partner and I moved to Edinburgh in 2020 and started our family here. I look forward to supporting the community of mums through my coaching expertise and experience.

First Step: Motherhood Coaching & Community

Join us now!